Custom lost password form for WordPress

Using the default WordPress "Lost password" form or creating your own custom "Lost password" form to let users reset their password.

This article explains how to link your custom Login form with the default WordPress Lost password form, and how you can configure and setup your own custom Lost password form for your WordPress website. You may also be interested in reading how setup a Login form and or Registration form.

Using the default WordPress lost password form

By default WordPress already has a Lost password form that (on a default installation) can be accessed via the below URL which should look like this:

This works great for most use cases so if you are OK with having this as your "Lost password" form, then you can edit your custom Login form and make sure you point the "Lost password" link to the correct URL as shown below.

If you wish to have a Button element to act as your "Lost password" link then you can simply add a Button element and define it to act as a regular link instead of submitting the form. Note that when you go this route, you will have to add another Button element that acts as a regular "Submit" as shown in the images below.

Creating your custom "Lost password" form

A demo form is available under Super Forms > Demos named "Lost Password Form" which should help to quickly get a working reset password form up and running.

If you prefer using a custom "Lost password" form over the default WordPress "Lost password" form, you can edit your form and navigate to Form Settings > Register & Login. From the Actions option choose Reset password (lost password). You should now see all the settings that relate to resetting a password. Configure them as you see fit.

Make sure the Login page URL points to the URL where your custom Login form is displayed. Also make sure that your form has a field named user_email, which is where the user will receive the "Lost Password E-mail" at.

Last updated