add_action('super_before_email_success_msg_action','_super_save_data_into_database',10,1);function_super_save_data_into_database( $atts ) {// REPLACE 123 WITH YOUR FORM ID $id =123;// REPLACE table_name WITH YOUR TABLE NAME $table ='table_name';// CHANGE THE BELOW ARRAY AND ADD COLUMNS AND FIELDS ACCORDINGLY $fields =array('column_name'=>'first_name',// replace column_name with correct column name for your table, and first_name with the appropriate field name from your form'column_name2'=>'last_name',// replace column_name with correct column name for your table, and first_name with the appropriate field name from your form// etc... ); $form_id =absint($atts['post']['form_id']); // contains the form ID that was submittedif( $form_id == $id ) {global $wpdb; $data = $atts['data']; // contains the submitted form data $values =array();foreach( $fields as $k => $v ) { $values[$k] = $data[$v]['value']; } $values['entry_id'] =absint($atts['entry_id']); $wpdb->insert( $table, $values ); }}