Google map element WordPress form

Used to display (or generate) a google map (or route) based on user input for your WordPress form

When using the Google Map element you must have a valid API key. You can obtain an API key from within your API manger. Make sure to enable the Google Maps JavaScript API for your API.

You can find the google map element under HTML Elements > Google Map.

The Google Map comes with several features:

  • Option to set region code e.g nl, de, uk, us etc.uu

  • Option to set/adjust zoom

  • Option to enable/disable UI (buttons)

  • Option to draw Route from address A (origin) to address B (destination)

  • Option to optionally display the directions panel (list with route instructions)

  • Option to set it's travel mode DRIVING, BICYCLKING, TRANSIT, WALKING

  • Option to populate distance to field (including Calculator element)

  • Option to populate duration to field (including Calculator element)

  • Option to define the unit system METRIC or IMPERIAL

  • Option to draw Route with Waypoints (stops in between the route)

  • Option to optimize route with waypoints (to rearrange it in a more efficient order)

  • Option to avoid Ferries, Major highways, Toll roads (if possible)

Last updated