Prevent form submission based on entered field values
Prevent form from being submitted by comparing entered field values. Useful when you want to prevent a specific user or bot from submitting the form. Returns a fake success message to the user.
The below action hook only works with Super Forms v6.3.708+
add_action('super_before_processing_data',function($atts){ $data = $atts['atts']['data'];// Return fake message when one of the following fields matches the value $checks = array('email'=> array('','','', ),'phonenumber'=> array('1231231231','1231231232','1231231233', ),'my_field_name'=> array('value_to_compare_with','value_to_compare_with2','value_to_compare_with3', ) );foreach($checks as $fieldName => $compare){// Skip if field with this name does not exists in the formif(!isset($data[$fieldName])) continue; // Compare the entered value in the form with the one we definedif(in_array(trim($data[$fieldName]['value']), $compare)) {SUPER_Common::output_message(array('error'=>false,'msg'=>'<h1>Thank you!</h1>We will reply within 24 hours (fake message to pretent succesful submission, but nothing really happened)' )); } }});