Track form submissions with GTM (Google Tag Manager)

Tracking WordPress form submissions with GTM (google tag manager)

Insert the below PHP code in your child theme functions.php file, or create a custom plugin. You may also use a plugin that allows you to insert code snippets to your site.

add_action('wp_footer', function(){
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Execute after form submission
        if(typeof SUPER === 'undefined') {
            // Custom JS script was loaded to early
            window.SUPER = {};
        SUPER.custom_form_tracker = function(args){
            // Grab form fields
            var product_name= ( : '');
            var quantity= ( : '');
            var total= ( : '');
            var utm_source= ( : ''); 
            // Your third party code here
            window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []
                'event': 'superFormsSubmission',
                'formID': args.form_id,
                'product_name': product_name,
                'quantity' : quantity,
                'total' : total,
                'utm_source': utm_source
}, 100);

// Add custom javascript function 
function f4d_add_dynamic_function( $functions ) {
    $functions['after_email_send_hook'][] = array(
        'name' => 'custom_form_tracker'
    return $functions;
add_filter( 'super_common_js_dynamic_functions_filter', 'f4d_add_dynamic_function', 100, 2 );

Last updated