File upload

How to add a file upload field (element) to your WordPress form so that users can upload single or multiple images and documents at once.

Important: make sure to read the Secure file uploads sections to understand how and where files are uploaded and handled based on your settings.


The File upload element allows users to select an image or document from their device (mobile or desktop) for upload. This can be useful to gather additional information based on the use case of your WordPress form. For instance, if you own a car repair company and you want a customer to upload detailed photo's of the damage, they could do so via the File upload element. An example of how this would look on the front-end can be seen below:

Adding the File upload element to your form

Simply drag and drop the File upload element to your canvas:

Making the file upload required

To make the file upload required (at least 1 or more files are required) you can change the Min characters/selections allowed setting under the Advanced section when editing the File upload element as shown below. In the below example the user must upload at least 1 file.

Setting a maximum file limit

If you want to limit the amount of files a user can upload you can change the Max characters/selections allowed setting under the Advanced section when editing the File upload element as shown below. In the below example the user is allowed to upload a maximum of 5 files in total.

Allow only specific extensions

If you want the user to only be able to upload specific file extension(s) then you can configure them via the below setting.

Limit the file size

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